
New Website

Welcome to my new website. 👋🌍🖱️ This is a statically hosted website that replaces my previous one. The old website loaded content dynamically from various sources, and was made from scratch. Read about it in the old post. The source code is still available. To reduce hosting costs, I deleted my Kubernetes cluster which ran mostly obsolete projects and moved to a combination of Netlify for static sites, and a simple sub 10€ VPS on Greenhost.

Hosting Irssi in the Cloud

This post goes into the journey and reasons of why and how I am currently hosting the IRC client Irssi in my Kubernetes Cluster. Permanently Connected If you use IRC you know it is a badge of honor or rite of passage to have your nick always be online, and ideally also have access to the log of messages that happened while you were gone, as this is not the case by default in IRC, contrary to many new messaging platforms such as Discord.

How to Fix Empty Project in SonarQube Docker

This post shows one way to fix an issue that may cause a SonarQube project to show up as empty only when the scan is run in a container environment. TL;DR Concerning the issue: “This project is empty” in the SonarQube UI: SonarQube does not like being run as the root user. Specify a different user to be used in the container, and run the scan from this user’s home directory.

My Own Kubernetes Dashboard

I recently made my own dashboard displaying some information about my Kubernetes cluster. In this post I will gather some thoughts about the reasoning of why I built it, and some information about the technical details. The dashboard is currently deployed at Why - History I wanted to have a dashboard for my Kubernetes cluster, so I can see and monitor various information about the infrastructure at a glance, without having to have access to a terminal or the cloud provider interface.

How This Website Works

I have created this website as a way for me to play around with different technologies. It is not intended to be a masterpiece, especially on the UI design-end, but it has a few neat features you may be interested to read about. The following sections list some aspects of the website and its deployment. Frontend React.js and Next.js are used as web-frameworks (using TypeScript, of course). They may seem overkill for a website as simple as this one, but as it also handles dymanic content they are a good fit.

New Website

Planted June 10, 2023

Welcome to my new website. 👋🌍🖱️

This is a statically hosted website that replaces my previous one.

The old website loaded content dynamically from various sources, and was made from scratch. Read about it in the old post. The source code is still available.

To reduce hosting costs, I deleted my Kubernetes cluster which ran mostly obsolete projects and moved to a combination of Netlify for static sites, and a simple sub 10€ VPS on for web apps.

A future post will explain how I reduced the costs, and how the migration of the projects worked.